Each Industry Training Advisory Committee may annually select a maximum of three applicants to receive the award in their respective industry.
Awardees attending learning activities held outside Hong Kong
Awardees attending learning activities held within Hong Kong
Recommended Learning Activities
Applicants have the option to choose from the learning activities recommended by the respective ITACs, which hold recognition in the industry, or propose alternative learning activities.
Eligibility of Applicants
be a Hong Kong resident (that is, they have the right of abode, or the right to land, or to stay in Hong Kong without any restriction, i.e. an "A", "R" or "U" code should appear on the Hong Kong Identity Card)
have acquired at least one QF-recognised qualifications by, including:
- completion of QF-recognised learning programme, or
- successful acquisition of RPL qualification; or
- acquisition of QF-recognised professional qualification
All QF-recognised qualifications are listed in the Qualifications Register.
Award Process
The application period for the Award Scheme for Learning Experiences normally occurs annually in around March to May.
Eligible applicants are encouraged to submit the completed Application Form or online application form to the QFS via the following provided method before the deadline.
- Fax:3106-2035
- Address:Units 901-903, 9/F, Dah Sing Financial Centre, 248 Queen’s Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
- Shortlised applicants will be invited to attend an interview normally taking place within two months after the closing date
- A Selection Panel will be set up by respective ITACs for selecting the awardees
- The interview will typically focus on the selection criteria of the Award Scheme (see Section 7 of the Guidance Notes)
- Awardees will receive written notification from the QFS within a month after the interview
- Awardees are required to enrol themselves for the learning activity they have selected in good time and arrange related itinerary themselves
Should awardees wish to change to another learning activity afterwards, they should seek prior approval from the Selection Panel via the QFS before the commencement of the learning activitiy.
- Awardees are required to submit a learning activity report to QFS within two months after the learning activity.
- Awardees are required to share their learning experiences on their social media platforms using hashtag #HKQF and #AwardSchemeForLearningExperience in their social media’s posts and to submit related screen captures in the learning report
Awardees will be invited to collect the award, including a pay cheque and a certificate, in person after the learning activity report is accepted by QFS.
Awardees are obliged to assist QFS in promotion within one year after their participation in the learning activities, e.g. sharing their experience in sharing sessions, media interviews or other publicity events.